Friday, December 14, 2012

Eden is ONE!!!!

I cannot believe it was a year ago we were sitting in the hospital holding our little miracle and trying to figure out what in the world was going on with her.  God has blessed this year in many ways and I honestly don't think I would change any of it.  Eden is amazing and learning more every day. And the things I am learning by watching her are irreplaceable.  Each milestone she reaches I can do nothing more then  look to heaven and thank our Creator.  Eden is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and no matter how she develops, she is God's child and His plan for her is more magnificent than I could ever imagine.  I just feel bad for all you people that don't get to see her everyday because she is truly a miracle!!
I honestly haven't done a very good job this month of keeping track of much of what Eden is able to do!!  I am too busy enjoying her! She did however get another tooth...Eden got her fifth tooth 11/23/12 top right tooth next to the front one.  Eden is amazing and I could go on forever about her as she is growing right on track for her age!  She continues to pull herself up to things and shows interest in trying to get around vertically.  She has figured out that she can go up the stairs but doesn't have a clue how dangerous it is or how to properly go back down.  She is still a very good sleeper, sleeping through the night and taking two naps during the day.  As long as she isn't teething she is a completely healthy and happy baby.  She has been getting teeth non stop since her first one appeared, it seems, and when that happens she has a sore bottom and slight fever.  You can tell by the pictures that she has a lot of energy and many smiles to pass around!  Her laughter is so contagious.  It's something I miss when I go to bed and look forward to seeing every morning.  Happy Birthday precious Eden!!  I'm so glad God gave us you!

UPDATE: 1/9/13 Eden had her one year check up today.  She had to have three shots but handled them pretty well.  She screamed when they did them but wasn't really affected otherwise.  She was just about 20lbs. and almost 30".  It was a pretty uneventful visit.  I like those kinds of visits!

1 comment:

Jodean said...

Happy birthday, Eden!