Sunday, December 09, 2012

Partaay Time!!!

It's party time.  And it was filled with so much fun!  It is hard to believe that Keziah is FIVE! Five years since I had my first baby for the second time.  I always say that because there are so many years in between Austin and Keziah!  Five years goes by so quick!  And we celebrated Adah turning 3, which is hard to believe also!  She is always just thrown into the mix and I often catch myself expecting the same things out of her as I do Keziah even though they are two years apart.  Some day this won't matter as much but right now portion size, chores, bed time, etc. is all/should be different for Adah.  It's hard to remember sometimes though!  What's even more hard to believe is that an entire year has passed by since I gave birth to my littlest baby!  This has been the longest yet shortest year of my life with all the unknowns and appointments.  God has been faithful through it all.  As long as we put our trust in Him, he will never let us down.  He continues to amaze me at his blessings he gives.  What a miracle Eden is...more on that in another post!

Here we are singing Happy Birthday to each of the girls.  They loved their cake!  We also had cake pops and dipped pretzels for dessert!

Seriously, please ignore my terrible singing!!!

MY BABY!  She's almost one!  Here's Eden having her first taste of sugar!  She acted like she had done it a hundred times though.  As soon as we set the cake down in front of her she knew exactly what to do.  I cut the cake up a bit for her but that almost made it worse as she would try to fit a whole chunk into her mouth.  There were a couple times where she was swallowing pretty hard to get it down.  She was so hyped up after just a couple bites but also just really excited that everyone was around her and paying attention to her.  She kept trying to share her bites too!  She's my super sweet one year old!  

Now it's "present time, present time, open a present and see what's inside" (a song right out of Blue's Clues).  What a lot of gifts.  I guess when you have three opening at once it can get a little crowded!  Each of the girls got some really neat things.  To name a few (sorry if I don't mention your gift), Keziah got the American Girl doll that she has been wanting, a few doll outfits and a bunch of craft stuff.  Adah got a Gymnastics Dora and Dora coloring/activity/sticker books. Eden got a puppy that claps and sings and some books and puzzles.  Thanks to everyone who gave and even those who didn't.  We appreciate all of you and your friendships!

Here's a close-up of the cake I made.  I found the idea on pinterest made out of two round cakes! Super easy and cute!  I came up with my own idea for the outline since I didn't have nearly the patience to do what the picture on pinterest showed!  I think it still turned out pretty nice!


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