Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ethan's 2nd Birthday!

On Saturday we celebrated Ethan's 2nd Birthday. He turned 2 on August 7th. Here are some pictures to remember our fun time at his party...

Ethan just got the hang of these things today...he spent the first part of his party blowing on almost every one of them!

Kezzie just loves to watch someone smaller than her. The whole time I was trying to get her to eat her veggies, she had her eye on Bennett. She finally got to get down and touch him!

Bennett is growing so much. He is doing a lot of cooing and squealing. He is even reaching for things. Bennett is about 3 3/4 months here. So sweet!

Ethan's ripping into the gift we got him. I think he likes's a bubble mower!

Grandma and Grandpa Smith got him a trike. He loves it!

When I found out Ethan was having a Blue's Clues birthday party I offered to make a Blue's Clues cake for him. It's funny because I made this same cake for Austin's 2nd birthday also! I think it turned out better this time!

Time to blow out the candles and make a wish! Ethan did a great job blowing out his candles!


Emily said...

I love your pictures...could you email them to me? Em

Anonymous said...

You are a very talented cake decorator! - Kris