Friday, August 01, 2008

Garage Sale Time (AKA:Torture!)

It is amazing all the work you have to go through just to get rid of your own junk! I think I have been at it for 3 days straight in my little garage, trying to find some sort of organization to get ready for a 1 day garage sale. I hope it's worth it! My mom is on vacation so she came to help on Wednesday night until today. She was a huge help! When Kezzie wasn't sleeping, they were hanging out together and when she was sleeping...we were working double duty together. The big day is tomorrow and I think we are finally ready! Jamie will be here bright and early to help sell. There is a combination of Emily's, Jamie's, Mine, and my mom's junk out there! I proclaim right now to never buy anything again, as long as it means I never have to have another garage sale! I'm sure I will feel differently when it's all over and I have a little extra cash in my hand!

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