Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Kezzie is walking???

Ok, so the hot discussion in our house is what is really considered walking? Is it when they take their first couple steps or is it when they never go back to crawling again? Well, if we are talking about Kezzie's first steps, they happened about a week before her first birthday when she took about 3-4 steps toward the garbage to throw her dirty diaper away (one of her favorite 'chores' to do!) But, if we are talking about several consecutive steps as being considered walking, Kezzie is up to 7 steps in a row (12/8/08). I know that isn't considered full blown walking yet, but she is learning her ability more and more and is definitely on her way to seeing things on a higher level. I've noticed where she will stand up more often rather than sit and do something. And if you put your hand out she will grab it and start to walk rather than get back down to crawl. And if she's in the right mood she will let you take a few steps back and proudly walk toward you. I know she can do it, but she's still not confident enough yet. I'm gonna wager that in the next week or two she will be a walker and I will have some video to share with you!

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