Monday, December 22, 2008

No more Santa!

This marks the first year that Austin doesn't believe in Santa Clause. At least not as the man who magically falls down the chimney bringing lots and lots of presents. I can't believe he finally came to his senses! It actually happened because he figured out the tooth fairy isn't real! The last time he lost a tooth he left the tooth fairy a note as he had done many times before and just like all the other times the tooth fairy wrote him back. However, something struck him this last time, as not right. I must have used too familiar of hand writing or something. He approached me about it and there wasn't any way I could lie to his face so I told him he was correct. It wasn't until later that day he asked me about the Easter Bunny and Santa. He was very devastated and felt really stupid for believing it. I honestly don't know how I will handle Santa with Kezzie. Watching how Austin felt and him being amazed that I have been 'lying' to him all these years, I don't know if Kezzie will ever think of Santa Clause as anything more than a jolly nice old man who gave out gifts to kids. It was heartbreaking to see Austin hurt and worst of all he was right that I had been lying to him in a sense. I'm just glad there aren't anymore secrets and we can stop pretending that Santa is watching him year round!

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