Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Baskets!

We knew Easter morning was going to be pretty hectic since Sunday mornings always are so we decided to have the Easter Bunny come while the girls napped today.  So when they woke up their baskets were ready for them!  Kezzie was pretty excited and of course Adah got into it too!  Kezzie got: goggles, new cups, a water bottle, Don't Spill the Beans, Bambi, a pack of 4 puzzles, bubbles, a squishy ball and a little candy.  Adah got a big book, a furReal pet duck, molding clay (that doesn't dry out), squishy ball, some graham crackers and a little bit of candy (that she will probably never eat!).  Austin got (he was with his dad this weekend so he won't get his 'til tomorrow): a thing you stick in the ground and it holds your fishing pole, a kindle gift certificate, an Iowa Hawkeyes shirt, a squirt gun and a bunch of candy!  While we don't want to forget what Easter is really about we do enjoy giving our kids these little baskets of fun!
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