Monday, April 18, 2011


Today Kezzie and I made a recipe from my church cookbook.  It's called SLIME!   It was really fun/easy to make together and we had even more fun playing with it!
Here's how to make it (I actually halved it and there was plenty, here's the full recipe):
mix together 1 cup (7-8oz. bottle) of Elmer's Glue with 1 cup of water and 1 drop of food coloring of your choice.
In a separate bowl combine 3 tsp. of borax and 1 1/3 cup WARM water.
Combine the two mixtures, drain off the excess water and play.  Keep in closed container.
We have had a lot of fun this afternoon trying different things with it and experimenting with cutting and smooshing.  We even made it into a ball and it bounced!  It doesn't have a nasty smell either!

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