Saturday, April 02, 2011

A walk to the park!

Today we decided to get outside in the beautiful weather.  We wanted to make it a family affair but Austin wasn't really thrilled about going to his school playground to play!  Not to mention that he is getting really sick of his annoying leg brace, but we made him go anyway.  It's only a short walk to the school so we put the kids in the wagon and headed out.  It was a lot of fun and even Austin got into it when he realized he might as well make the best of it!  I am amazed at how brave Adah is.  She is very confident going down even the biggest slide all by herself.  I hope that never changes!  She doesn't mind it when I help her either so if I don't feel comfortable at least she isn't pushing me away.  Kezzie really enjoyed the hanging bars and frequently asked daddy to help her move along them.  I even tried out my skills on the high bar and hung from my legs for roughly 20 seconds!  I think Kezzie was less than impressed, but it made me feel young again!  I wasn't, however, about to try spinning around the bar with one leg (do you remember this fun and scary trick?).  We headed home just in time for naps!  I am looking forward to many more walks to the playground this summer!

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