Saturday, April 23, 2011

Keziah is 40 & 41 MONTHS!

My sweet Kezzie is another month older and another month older (I'm a little behind)!!  Here she is at 40 months old with her 'buga buga friend' (boxelder bug).  She insisted that he be in the picture with her.  She loves these things...if she sees one crawling around the house she will get really excited and play with it/let it crawl on her until she kills it or it flies away.  She really likes bugs! 
She is so grown up and such a sweetie!  She is so smart too...I am AMAZED!  She knows all her letters by recognition and the sound they make.  This makes things easier sometimes.  For example: when it's time to take her vitamin for the day I just tell her what letters to look for on her pill box pertaining to the day it is and she finds it!  This has also sparked an interest in the days of the week and months.  She has known her colors for probably a year but only recently she has become interested in them again.  She likes games that ask her to match colors, puzzles having to do with colors, etc.  She also knows her numbers, I'm not sure how high she can count though.  I know she understands the concept of counting but I haven't ever had her count really high.  I am also unsure of how many numbers she can actually recognize.  I know she knows up to 10 for sure.  She recently learned how to spell her name too.  For a while she knew the first three letters but recently got it all down (mid April)!  Keziah is getting really good at praying at dinner.  She sometimes requires help but for the most part makes it up herself.  One thing she is sure to say every time is 'thank-you for our bodies'.   So sweet! One last thing I want to mention is that she talks about death...excessively.  I don't think it's anything to worry about I just think it's strange.  She's just so curious!  Brian's great Aunt Mable died not too long ago (and within a year or so before that she had been to two other funerals also) and she tells everybody her 'great grandma Nable died'.  Kezzie has a lot of questions pertaining to death and Mable specifically (she saw her in the casket and asks things like: what happened to her legs, why were her hands on her chest, why did she have glasses on if she is dead, etc).  One thing I want her to be sure to understand is that when you die you get to go to a wonderful place called Heaven and live with Jesus only if you have Jesus in your heart.  She repeats this information a lot when talking to me or others.  The other day (4/20/11) we were having our tenth conversation about death that day and it was like something new just clicked.  She stopped to think for a minute and then asked me, "Well, what if you don't have Jesus in your heart?  Where do you go then?"  I thought that was such a grown-up kind of question that requires deep thought for a 3 year old.  I of course answered her with no sugar coating.  I said, 'Well, people who don't have Jesus in their hearts unfortunately go to hell'.  She asked what hell was and I told her it was a horrible place where a bad bad angle called the devil lives.  She went around saying 'hell is a berry berry bad place' the rest of the day!  She had many more questions about hell like: who is in hell?  are there ghosts in hell? where is hell?  what is hell like?  I cherish these sweet learning moments and am so thankful that she is learning the Truth about Jesus' love for us!  Here is our Kez at 41 months old!  Cute little pig tails.  I'm not sure the last time I put her hair up but she really loves it!
We love you sweet Kezzie!

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