Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We went to church this morning (wonderful service) and then over to mom and dad's where they made a ham and duck.  My grandma Smith came along with a couple of my mom's brothers (uncle Craig and his son Dustin and uncle Wayne and aunt Jane).  Jane made some superb pies that are definitely worth mentioning (and a couple other things too)!  I made some deviled eggs (our previously dyed Easter eggs came in handy), Emily brought Snicker Apple Salad and mom and dad provided everything else.  The meal was delicious!  Before we sat down to eat we decided to do our egg hunt.  We hid them all downstairs.  Some were really high up for Austin and some were just sitting in plain site for Adah.  Unfortunately, Jamie, Keith and Rylan were in New Hampton so they weren't there.  Mom had five special Easter eggs for each of the kids each containing gold coins.
Aren't my kids the most beautiful kids you have ever seen?  I do admit Austin really could use a hair cut.  I never think of those things until it is too late!  Regardless, they are still amazing kiddos!  I thank God so much everyday for the opportunity to have Life and raise these little blessings!
 Here is a video that my church played on Easter Sunday...I wish you all could have been there!

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