Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Retirement, Dad!!

After t-ball and tot-lot today we rushed back to CF for my dad's last day of work! Some guys at work made him homemade ice cream and bought a big cake.  The kids and I had pizza over at Emily's before rushing off to dad's work.  On our way in Adah tripped and fell on her knees (the third time in the same unhealed spot).  She was a wreck!  The stairs we climbed up to get to the lunch room were steel so the kids were all leery of walking up them.  With Austin's help we managed to get all the little ones safely up them!  We walked in right as dad was finishing up his speech!  Bummer!  At some point Bennett fell off his chair and was screaming, at another point Adah bumped her knee and it was in pain again and she was screaming.  I took her outside the lunch room to avoid bothering everyone and all she wanted was to go back to the car.  I think she was overwhelmed by all the burly, dirty men!  We really wanted to see dad's work area (it's been many many years since I have been to his work) and I think it was nice for him to get to show off where he worked everyday!  Austin is so impressed by his grandpa, he particularly enjoyed it.  He says he will have lived a good life if he turns out half as awesome as his grandpa and claims he is going to someday work at Viking Pump too!  The working conditions are not what a person should have to work in every day.  It's so dirty and loud.  I am so thankful that dad doesn't have to go back ever again!  Before going down into the work area we ALL had to put on safety glasses.  They don't make them child-sized so it was pretty funny!  Somehow Eden managed to fall asleep in all the chaos (and stay asleep with all the noise).  I was super proud of all the kids tolerating the loud noise.  But they were sure anxious to get out of there!  I'm so glad we were able to make it because although I am not the one who actually worked there, it was good closure for me to see the place he will no longer be going to every day!
I couldn't be any more proud to have such a hard working dad!  He has been an amazing provider for our family growing up and continues to be a solid spiritual leader as we all have our own families.  I love his sweet smile and the way you can see his pride just by looking at him.  He gives the best hugs and soft kisses and always makes sure to tell me how much he loves us.  I am so thankful that he and my mom are at a place in their lives that he is able to retire.  That job has served him well, but put so much strain on his body, it was time to get outta there!  Happy Retirement Dad!  I love you so much and am so happy for you!  Now you will have much more time to spend with the grand kids!!
Look at Keziah...she definitely fit right in with the dirt all over her face, big grin and safety glasses!  The picture of molds is all the molds dad made just this morning.  Can we say productive?!!  Adah just kept her nose plugged because it smelled awful in there!  Did I mention I am so happy my dad doesn't have to work in those conditions anymore?  Dad is technically on vacation until July 13th (the day after his 62nd birthday) but doesn't have to go back to "work" ever again!  We will celebrate with a party on July 7th from noon-3ish.  If you have time, come stop by my parents' house to congratulate him!

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