Thursday, June 28, 2012


First day of T-ball (6/4)!
Eden is loving this being outside stuff!
Friend Henry playing by her side!

One of the last few days of t-ball (6/19)! Kezzie is wearing down, but still enjoys it! She is rather good at it! She always complains that she doesn't want to hit off the tee. She prefers daddy pitching it to her!  She also complains that she doesn't want to do so much work and that she doesn't want to do it all.  There are stations and she only likes certain ones so she would prefer only doing the ones she likes!  She especially doesn't like when the coach rolls the ball on the ground and she has to catch it.
Yesterday (6/27) was her last day and she was pretty happy!  I think she was just wore out on it!  I asked her if she was going to miss t-ball and she said no.  I asked her what she didn't like about it and she simply stated, 'everything...except the hands in' (they always put their hands in at the end and yell go Chickasaws).  I asked her why that was her favorite and she said it was because it was at the end and that meant it was time to go home!  I guess we will re-think t-ball for next year!

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