Monday, April 20, 2009

Bennett turned ONE!!!

Emily asked if I would design Bennett's first birthday invites...this is what I came up with. I think they turned out pretty nice!

We had a blast at Bennett's first birthday party. It is so amazing that we are looking at a year gone by with this little guy in our lives! For those of you who know my family and Bennett's miracle story and for those of you who don't, I am going to post a story about his history to give you an idea/reminder of how special this little blessed one is in our lives! First here's a run-by on how the party went...
It got started around 3:30 with lots of playing and talking. There were a lot of kids there. Cousins, and daycare friends along with aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas! And let's not forget Bennett's favorite people-his mom, dad, and big brother Ethan! We all crowded in downstairs to open gifts. Bennett got a wide variety of toys, pj's and clothes. We then headed back upstairs for dinner. Emily and Adam made spaghetti pie and ravioli along with a pear salad and snicker/apple salad. It was all so delicious! To top it off we had cake and ice cream. It was fun to watch Bennett with his first taste of real sugar. He LOVED it! Kezzie even snuck in there to get a taste secretly! One of Bennett's favorite things to do was play catch with the balloons. He is actually really good at catching it and then bopping it and giggled every time! He is such a joy! Here is the cake Emily decorated for Bennett. It turned out so awesome! I couldn't be prouder!

Adam is helping Benne open his gift from us...Bennett so cute in his outfit!

Balloons were a huge hit for all the kids. At one point, Ethan had almost all the long balloons in his arms at once!
Bennett just sat there amazed that everyone was singing to him. It was adorable. He just listened with big eyes!
Time to dig in! He enjoyed it very much!

We thank God so much for Bennett being here today! We pray for many more birthdays to come!

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