Monday, April 13, 2009

The Smith Family Easter!

It was a great day spent with family. Mom made a wonderful dinner with a huge ham and sweet potatoes (my favorite) and many other things. We hid eggs during naptime and then waited patiently for the kids to wake up for the fun to begin. Ethan and Kezzie learned right away the object of the game. By the end Kezzie was throwing the eggs toward the sack and hoping she made them in before turning around to search for another! We hid about half outside and half inside. Austin's were obviously hidden a lot higher and harder. It was a great day for an outdoor Easter egg hunt. A little on the windy side so we still had to wear a jacket though! Bennett was happy just hanging out inside playing with the Easter eggs. And later we braved the egg dying spiel again...this time Kezzie dumped the whole cup of yellow on the table and amount of newspapers were going to help that situation!
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