Thursday, April 23, 2009

17 months old!

Today Keziah turns 17 months old! She is still as precious as ever! She is starting to test our patience more and more and tries to use the whining tactic to get what she wants, although most of the time it doesn't work! She still almost daily signs that she wants milk from me but it is getting a lot less frequent. Instead, I just try to find something to take her mind off it. I offer her whole milk and then sit to read books or just cuddle. She wouldn't want it anyway so I think she is just asking, in her own way, to be comforted. Kezzie is really gaining an understanding of a lot of words and directions. You can ask her to do something and she almost always can follow a series of directions to accomplish a task. She is also trying to say just about anything you say. Some of the time it's hard to tell she is repeating you but she tries! Her vocabulary is expanding so much every day I am not going to try to make a list of the words she can say! She is also still a babbler and will often rattle off a long sentence looking right at you and then pause as if she is waiting for you to talk back. It is hilarious! I can also say Kezzie is a runner...she has just recently started trying this out and most of the time can stay on her feet. However, I am just waiting for her to fall and get her cute little knees all scratched up on the cement outside! Another fun thing Kezzie does is she waddles when she walks. It almost seems like a hip problem, but she doesn't do it all the time...she only does it when she's happy. She even adds a little swing of the arms with it! It's pretty cute! Another funny thing she does right now is whenever she sees Brian (since he had shoulder surgery) she says "owey" and then will imitate crying like a baby. We have had to teach her to be careful around Brian so that is what she does when she sees daddy! It's kind of sweet! This month (4/6) Kezzie has started the process of getting in her two bottom eye teeth. She ran a fever for three days and developed a rash on her chest. Other then those two symptoms she didn't act like anything was out of the ordinary. She would wake frequently at night but still played well during the day. Today they are about half of the way sticking out and I think they are still somewhat bothering her. The drool just keeps on coming!! Kezzie's schedule hasn't changed much from last month. She is getting up about an hour earlier (6am) but continues to take an hour and half morning nap and the same in the afternoon. Still going to bed around 7:30ish. I suppose if I took out her morning nap she would make up for it and sleep longer in the morning, but I don't know if I am ready for that yet! Although I hate the early mornings, it is still really nice to have that morning break to get some stuff done!
We thank God every day for how much He has blessed us. There are so many people dealing with the loss of a child and I don't take a day for granted that I have mine so close to me! Thank you Jesus!

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