Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Baskets!

I used to love waking up and finding my Easter basket full of fun knick knacks at the bottom of my bed on Easter morning! And it's even more fun doing it for my own kids! Sunday mornings are always a little hectic for us so we decided to give Keziah her Easter basket when she woke from her nap Saturday afternoon. Hers consisted of a few things she needed (sippy cups, extra paci, fruit snack items) along with a few things that were just fun for her (pip squeaks markers, a stuffed ducky, hair clips, a new Baby Einstein video). She went straight for the sippy cups and ducky...the ducky is now her new best friend (she has been obsessed with ducks for a while now-i.e. she has two different puzzles that have ducks on them and she will take each duck out of the puzzles and carry them around with her!). Austin's basket consisted of a new nerf gun with extra nerf bullets, candy, a new chapter book, some swimming goggles for the summer, more candy, and the new movie Bolt (which is really for the whole family)! Austin wasn't with us Sunday morning so we gave him his after Church at grandma and grandpa Smith's house.

Let's not forget what Easter is really about though! Aside from all the worldly things that we seem to go crazy over, we need to remember the sacrifice that was made for us. God gave his Son to die on the cross so that we as sinners can have life. And after dying a painful death, Jesus came back to life three days later. Easter is Jesus Christ's victory over death. His resurrection symbolized the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. It is a symbol of hope for what is yet to come. Christ will come again someday soon taking the ones who believe in Him with Him to Heaven to live for Eternity!
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