Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st Day of School

Austin started school today. He was very nervous and not looking forward to it at all. I don't think he hardly slept at all last night and he was up at 6:15am this morning. It is a change from elementary to middle school but he gets to stay in the same school. He was really nervous about changing classes so much (he has 8 different periods). I wasn't able to take him to class this morning and stay for the fifth grade orientation because I had a baby appointment in Waterloo, so Brian took him. When Austin got home from school today I could tell he was so much more relaxed. He had a smirk on his face and stated, "it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be!" That was music to my ears! He is loving that he has different friends in each class and has already figured out where to go and when he needs to go there. He is going to do great this year, I just know it!
Note: this photo was actually taken on his
sixth day of school and when I went to take it Kezzie put on her little bear back pack (it was mine when I started kindergarten) and pretended like she was going to 'cool' (school) too! I had to take a picture of her on her first day of pretend school (must be pajama day at her school)!

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