Thursday, August 06, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

Today was a beautiful day...the perfect kind of day for playing outside! Kezzie thought so too! She loves our swing set so much even as much as we play on it. It never seems to get old! She is such a pretty little girl. I love how long her eyelashes are! Notice her holding a wet wipe? She is still obsessed and while I know I am bigger then her and I am indeed the boss, taking a wet wipe away from her after she has gotten a hold of it is not one of the battles that I feel necessary to pick with her! So outside it comes with us and she holds onto it no matter what she is doing-even if it is swinging! And on the slide Kezzie is getting pretty daring. Although she hasn't actually done it yet, she gets to the top and says 'belly' and pretends like she is going to go down on her belly. I think one of these days she is going to go for it. She does the same thing on the stairs inside. I think that might be a little more dangerous since they are carpet and she probably isn't going to slide down as easily! Lastly, you will notice in one of the photos below we have discovered a groove in the side of our slide that can easily slide a golf ball or race car down it. We have a lot of fun with this every time we are outside! Praise the Lord for days that we can get outside and enjoy God's beauty!

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