Monday, August 24, 2009

21 Months!

Keziah was 21 months old yesterday! Oh how the months fly by! She will be turning 2 before we know it! Not much lifestyle wise has changed this month. She is pretty much on the same schedule. Wakes at 7:30 bed by 8. Naps from 1-3:30ish. Still doing great without her paci. However, she recently discovered her pointer finger and frequently sticks that in her mouth and sucks on it. She will pull it out and show it to me and tell me it is her paci. I have been taking it out and telling her she doesn't need a paci anymore but she insists on sucking it. It mostly happens when she is about to go to bed or down for a nap. She has also replaced the paci with a sippy cup and is very addicted to having that at nap and bed. She almost always drinks an entire cup full of water before falling asleep and has actually even puked/spit up all the water because her belly was too full. She's not much of a breakfast eater but she will always eat a little something. She is a really good lunch and supper eater though! Kezzie is getting really good at her speech. She says everything imaginable and has even started putting words together. It is so fun to hear her talk and sometimes we can have conversations with her using just one or two words for responses. She gets frustrated very little now because she can almost always find a way to tell me what she is thinking or needing. If she has an idea she will usually either tell me or pull my hand to come with her so she can show me (ie: Kezzie: mommy ball. Me: oh, you want me to play with the ball with you? Kezzie: yes). One of her favorite phrases is 'hereyago' (here ya go). It really sounds like all one word but she has heard it enough that she says it all the time and even uses it properly. One of Kezzie's favorite things to do is dance. I love this about her because she really gets me moving sometimes. She knows exactly which button to push on the stereo to turn it on and knows which one turns it up too. She claps, spins, jumps, and waddles to show her happiness. She even clicks her tongue or puts in a few hums here and there to go along with the music. It is adorable! Speaking of jumping...she actually gets some air now. She has been working really hard at that! Another fun game we play is we get on Brian and my bed and we pretend like we are going to sleep and she pretend snores. It's hilarious! Kezzie is also doing excellent with her colors. I have yet to catch them perfectly on camera but yesterday she brought a book to me with all sorts of colors in it in the shape of squares. She pointed to each color adding the word square on the end. There was red, pink, orange, yellow and green squares on the page. I was very impressed! Sometimes she gets confused but she always gets yellow right for some reason. It seems to be her favorite color in everything she does! Who knew a 1.5 year old could have a favorite color! She also has a preference in shoes. If she sees a pair in my hand that she doesn't want to wear she will promptly request "pink shoes". It's her hot pink crocs that rarely match anything. But I am sure they are incredibly comfortable! When cooler weather arrives I think we will have to make them vanish somehow! Keziah continues to do well with her numbers. She can tell me when she has a group of two or three of something and she will show it to me. She is also starting to say some letters. There is a bookshelf in the office with A, B, C and D on it and she will point to each one and tell me what they are. Again, she isn't always right but she is definitely interested and can often surprise me with her accuracy. One of Kezzie's newest things she says is 'syie' (sorry). She says it quite often. Sometimes it's when you aren't sure why and then you wonder what mischief she has been into. I think this has come about because we have started having her apologize when she intentionally hits another family member. A lot of times she will say it when she bumps into you or knocks something off the table. It's pretty sweet, but sometimes I wonder if she really means it!!
Yeast Update: We switched back to the original yeast medicine since that was at least keeping it under control and made an appointment with a dermatologist in Sept. It doesn't seem to want to fully disappear but it is back to being very minimal. Praise the Lord. I at least feel like I can take her in public again and not wonder if people think she is contagious. I just pray there is enough of it there when the dermatologist looks at it to be able to determine what to do next.
I enjoy everyday that I have with Keziah and don't take a minute for granted. I am so blessed to be home with her and watch her grow. It sometimes makes me sad that I am the only one that really gets to see on a daily basis how smart she is. I guess that's why they invented blogger, so I can just brag about her instead! And I definitely do enough of that!

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