Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

It is mine and Brian's 4th anniversary today. Four years ago today it was not a rainy, gloomy day like it is today, it was a beautiful almost hot day. Perfect if you ask me. Especially since I was marrying the man of my dreams! Four years ago I was still living with my parents and Brian was soon to join us. Four years ago we didn't know what kind of jobs we were going to have or where our life was headed. Today we celebrate how far we have come. The business we own, the kids we are raising, and everything our life means as a couple. We are celebrating us and our relationship. However, it is because of life that we actually celebrated yesterday. Austin is full blown into football season now and has practice four days/week with Wednesday being his day off so we decided to (for the very first time) hire a babysitter and eat out at a restaurant we had never been. I was in charge of finding the sitter (huge challenge since we have lived here over two years and never have I attempted to find one) and Brian was in charge of filling the three hours I told the sitter we were going to need her. We headed to a nearby town called St. Lucas (sounds fancier than it is) and ate at a nice place. It was a good time for us to relax and enjoy each other's company! I hope this is the start of many baby sitter evenings. The kids loved her so I guess we will be having her back someday hopefully soon! Happy Anniversary Brian. I love you with all my heart!

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