Monday, November 23, 2009

24 months!

It's official...Keziah is 2! What a big girl she is. She is doing great at learning her ABCs and recites them regularly (see video at bottom of screen). She is so smart and it amazes me that she is able to know something so complex at such a young age. She will even sing the end part of the ABCs. Another favorite of Kezzie's to sing is 'Pinkle Pinkle Little Star'. She is starting to get the hang of a couple others too: Row Row Row Your Boat and Rock a Bye Baby. Her favorite CD is one I found from when Austin was little and it has songs like 'The Wheels on the Bus', etc. She LOVES that CD and requests to listen to it all the time.
Keziah is back to her normal sleep pattern. She is going to bed by 8 most nights and wakes by 8. She will nap a solid two hours. I wasn't sure if she would keep this pattern being that she just got into her big girl bed but she is doing so well. She rarely gets out of bed. There was one time that we 'had it out' and she hasn't gotten up since. It was a long two hour battle during nap time but she eventually gave in and went to sleep. I WIN!!!
Keziah continues to wear a pull up at nap time and still wakes dry. At night she wears a diaper and still wakes fairly wet. Someday she will get the hang of it but for now I am fine with this! She does excellent during the day telling me when she needs to use the potty.
As for the pacifier. I think we are getting close again to giving that up. She almost completely has all of her molars in which is what I am waiting for to attempt taking it away and knowing that she won't have that need to suck. With a new sister on the way and just getting into a new bed and new room, I think this is on hold for a little bit too.
At Kezzie's two year check up she weighed in at 26.5 lbs. making the 50%. She is 35" tall which is in the 75%. I don't know where she gets that from! She did have to get a couple shots which she did wonderful at. She also had her iron tested again and she was in the normal range. Yipee!
I am excited to have another little one to share our day with but I can't believe how quickly these past two years have gone by with just the two of us home during the day. It's going to be an adjustment for both of us. In the meantime I continue to cherish the last couple weeks we have together and try to do as much as possible! Keziah is so much fun to be around and I consider us extremely blessed to have her as a part of our lives!

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