Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Round three...

You guessed it, Brian is having shoulder surgery again. Tomorrow is the big day. He will go in around 2 and have a scope done. If they find something they will repair it but for now they don't know exactly what they are going in for. It is going to be a different doctor this time and he is sure he can fix it (I think we've heard that before!). Originally this doctor saw a chip out of a bone on an x-ray he did and he was going to repair it with some other bone. This was going to be an overnight procedure. Brian did a whole bunch of research and really felt like it was not the surgery for him so he called to talk to the surgeon. Together they agreed it probably wasn't going to fix the problem and decided to just do a scope instead (an in and out procedure). I am very skeptical but hopeful and trying to be supportive to my ever-so-determined husband who wants to be able to play golf again someday! Just think of him tomorrow and say a prayer for him if you think of it.

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