Thursday, November 12, 2009

36 weeks Pregnant and feeling it...

Ok, so I am not that interested in seeing myself in pictures too much so I don't exactly jump at the chance to take these week pictures anymore. I think this one is at 36 weeks plus some more days. My belly is definitely sticking out there! The baby is down and there is so much pressure I can hardly stand it! Not to mention that when I find something to eat that actually appeals to me I can only take a few bites before feeling stuffed! Pregnancy will still never cease to amaze me though and I couldn't ask for a healthier journey. I am so excited to meet our little one (who now has a name as of today!). Tuesday the doc said I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced (thinned out). The baby's heart rate was 136 and my uterus was measuring right at 36cm. As of right now I am going to let the baby come on it's own but if I start to progress more quickly then the doctor said she would strongly recommend an induction at 39 weeks to insure I am at the hospital when the baby is born. Personally I would like to let nature run it's course. I go back this Tuesday and we will see what is said then!

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