Tuesday, November 17, 2009

37 weeks!

I just got home from the doctor and everything is going great. I am measuring right at 37 cm. The baby's heart rate was 146. Nothing has changed from last week. Still 1cm dilated and about 50% effaced. It was a different doctor today so she may measure things a little different then last weeks doctor. I did however lose a couple pounds and the doc wasn't concerned with this so I was free to fell happy about it! I still have a lot to get ready before the baby comes so I am content with no progress! The doc also said the baby has moved down but hasn't completely dropped. It's hard to believe with all the pressure I have! I continue to have back pain and my hips are always really sore. During the day if I keep moving I feel pretty good but it's at night when I am sleeping that I feel the worst. There are some nights lately that I have laid awake up to 3 hours just trying to get back to sleep. Eventually I get up and watch TV and get myself sleepy again. I will post more next week!

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