Yesterday Emily had her ultrasound. The news was heartbreaking. It turns out that the baby isn't developing like it should. It is similar to Bennett but worse. The limbs are about 2-3weeks behind already and are starting to curve, there is fluid around the heart, and one of the ventricles in the brain is enlarged. Emily will have another ultrasound next month. Please pray for peace and comfort. Pray that God will overwhelm them with love and that they will just know that God is in control. Bennett is such a miracle and is it wrong for me to think they are deserving of another one? I will keep quiet about the sex of the baby until I am given the ok to announce's definitely something to celebrate!
It wasn't just a couple hours later that my mom called me after talking to Emily. I thought she was just calling to talk to me about the news of the baby. It turned out she had news of her own. She was at Allen with my dad. He had been having heaviness in his chest all day and decided to stop at the doctors office on his way home from work to make an appointment instead of calling. They wouldn't let him leave and instead took him by ambulance to Allen. After spending the night and doing an Angiogram this morning, they decided to put in 3 stints. I asked my dad how blocked he was to which he responded, 'almost 100% in several places'. Praise God that he didn't have a massive heart attack. Just pray for continued healing and restored life. Pray that he will be able to be strong in changing his eating habits since this is going to be quite a lifestyle change for him. And pray that he will live many many more years!
And a word of PRAISE...Bennett's surgery went very well. I had mentioned in a previous post that Bennett was having surgery this morning. He had a hernia in his testicle allowing the small bowel to go down into it. I guess this is pretty common and easily fixed. He had to be put under for it but was in and out in under 35 minutes. The day couldn't have gone smoother. He was able to rest in Emily's arms for what would normally be his morning rest time. They were able to get in the car and home by his usual lunch time and he was able to be in his own bed for his usual afternoon nap. He is doing great and as Adam says 'he is running on all eight cylinders!'. Praise God!