Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Keziah is 28 months!

Eventually I am going to get to the point where I don't do this anymore. I don't know what point it is that it will stop, I just know one of these months it's got to! It's not like I post monthly about Austin at 11 years old! It's not that I mind doing it, it's just that it's usually days overdue by the time I get to it and I am racking my brain to remember anything and everything that I want to write for the past month. I'm too busy...or so I think!
Keziah is definitely getting older and wiser. She gets into more trouble then ever before because well, she is learning how! For example she has kind of started to get out of bed every once in a while to get a book or something to put in bed with her. This is as much as she does though so I haven't cracked down on it yet. There was one night that I kept hearing her run across her room and when I went to see what she was up to I found a huge stack of books in her bed with her. She hasn't ever done it again to that extent though. Another way she is getting into trouble is with her stool. The other day I was working in the kitchen and she asked if she could have a pear. I said yes and cleaned one for her. She always likes to stand on her stool and watch me in the kitchen so she stood at the counter and ate her pear. She happened to be in front of the fruit bowl eating her pear and when I left to go to the bathroom she must have decided she wanted a different pear. When I came back I noticed her reaching for another pear and then noticed that the bowl was looking pretty sparse so I asked her what happened to all the pears. After looking around I found them all in the sink each of them nearly half eaten. The photo doesn't do it justice. Needless to say, I had to cut them all up and put them in the fridge. We ate diced pears with every meal for a couple days! Silly girl!
One night as I was putting Kezzie to bed she asked for a hug and I said, "of course I will give you a hug!" so now every single night as she is climbing into bed she boldly states, 'of course you get a hug?' in a question sort of way!
While making decisions about things Kezzie always says, 'how 'bout this one?' Or if we are reading books and I tell her to get another she will say that! It's so cute!
Kezzie doesn't eat as much as she used to. I don't know if it's because she is just too busy to slow down and eat or what. If I sit and help her eat she will usually eat really well but I don't know if I should really have to help her at 2 years old. I hope it's just a phase and she starts doing better on her own soon!
Kezzie still loves her wiggles jammies...here is a photo of her with them on. I am just waiting for the day she outgrows them! She also loves the wiggles themselves. When doing different things throughout the day she will say for example, while eating an apple, 'Anthony likes apples'. Or when going to sleep she will say 'Jeff likes to sleep'. I can't think of the other things she has said but I would have to call her a super freak!
She equally loves her little taggie blankets. She has a pink one and a blue one that she calls her red one (the corduroy taggies that got chewed off by our dog were her favorite ones and they were red). They go everywhere with her and it is devastating if we can't find both of them for bedtime.
Kezzie has been mimicking me as a mommy. She has taken interest in her dolls more and even tries to nurse them with her belly button. It is pretty sweet!
Kezzie's sleeping has pretty much stayed the same. She does sleep in just a little later now then last month until about 7:30ish. This is nice but also hard because Adah is part way into her nursing session by then. I really liked when she was up before Adah and I could get her day going before anything else. I'm not about to wake her though.
Until next time...

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