Monday, March 01, 2010

Brady and Henry Visit...

Mat and Steph were in town this last weekend so we got to hang out for a bit on Saturday. Henry is getting so big as you can see. He is just 5 weeks older than Adah! It won't be long and they will be playing together like Kezzie and Brady. Keziah and Brady had a really good time together (more then usual-less fighting). Riley and Kathy have several over sized bean bags and for a little fun we have started putting them in front of the couch for Kezzie and Brady to plop onto. Under strict supervision, they kindly take turns! I have video of it and will put it at the bottom of the page in the next couple of days. It gets pretty crazy around there but it is a lot of fun to have them visit! Austin was gone at a friends' house so he didn't get to add to the chaos :( Maybe next time! I don't know which baby is more thrilled to have their picture taken-Adah or Henry! I just couldn't get any smiles for the life of me (except for my happy Kezzie)!
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