Friday, March 05, 2010


Today Keziah had her first real tumble and split her lip open. Sorry, I don't have a photo to show you. I will try to remember to do that before it heals too much! The way she did it is what kind of makes me laugh. I think I have posted before about how she is insisting on taking herself potty these days. Well, she gets her step stool right up close to the potty and then gets her pants/undies off. She then proceeds to put her hands down on the toilet and hoist her right leg around the back of the toilet (as opposed to turning her back to the toilet and just scooting onto it). I wasn't in there with her when this happened but I am assuming she lost her balance (which wouldn't be hard to do using this method) and went to brace herself on the nearest thing to her which would be our shower curtain. And you can imagine how well that worked out for her-it didn't obviously. She fell into the shower curtain catching her face on the edge of the tub. Luckily she didn't break any of her teeth off in the process but she did slit her lip in a couple different places. After clearing away all the blood, I could tell that stitches weren't necessary and Kezzie got to have a popsicle out of the deal! Don't worry didn't get in the way of her sucking her paci at nap time! Oh the poor child. Honestly I am surprised she has made it this long as clumsy as she is!

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