Monday, March 29, 2010

Adah is 4 months old!

Adah is getting so big! I took her to the doctor today for her check up and she weighed in at 13 lbs. 14 oz. (50%). She was 25.5" (90%). The nurse said I could start giving her some cereal but I think I will wait on that for now. Unfortunately we have to go back for the shots because they were out of them so I will save that for another day (UPDATE: we went back for shots on Wed. April 8, 2010-she did great!). I'm sure the outcome will be the same as usual-painful and teary. She never handles her shots well and neither did Kez. I did have the doctor look at her cheek though. I don't know if I have ever mentioned it on the blog before but she periodically has a bright red cheek on her left side. It comes and goes throughout the day and is sometimes lighter than other times. One thing for sure is it is really hot while the right cheek is completely normal in temp and color. The doc just thinks it's eczema and wants me to put lotion on it to see if it helps. This isn't very surprising since Kezzie has it too. He's pretty sure she will outgrow it eventually.
Adah is not rolling over yet and actually shows no interest. She is perfectly content laying on her back on the floor just watching the world around her. She LOVES watching Kezzie and Austin play basketball in our living room.
Adah is such a good sleeper still. She is getting on a schedule more and more everyday. I love consistency! And I think she thrives on it too. Her schedule goes a little something like this:
7/7:30am wake and nurse
8:30 bed
9:30 wake and nurse
11/11:30 bed
12:30 wake and nurse
1:30 bed
3:30 wake and nurse
5:00 bed
6/6:30 wake and nurse
8/8:30 nurse and bed
This schedule is not particularly accurate if we have any little thing going on during the day. It completely throws her off as she is getting older and noticing her surroundings more.
When Adah nurses she will start on one side and eat there for just a few minutes. She will then go to the other side and eat longer there. She usually takes about 10-15 minutes total!
Adah noticed her hands for the first time on 3/19/10. She has since been grabbing things and trying to bring them to her mouth. It so fun to see her try to aim her hands to grab something and then try to aim it into her mouth. So sweet!
I know I mentioned before that Adah's eyes were getting darker but actually there are many days when they still look really blue. I don't know what makes the difference but some days they definitely look almost brown. We shall see eventually what they are going to be forever!
Adah is so much fun. I can never get enough of her squeals and giggles. She is so ticklish and will even share her laughs if all you are doing is laughing. She is such a happy baby with such a sensitive personality. I can't wait to see how she changes over the next month!
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