Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friends Visit!

We had my good friend Kristin from Cedar Rapids come visit this weekend. She brought her son Hunter to play with Kezzie. He is about 17 months old and adorable! I wouldn't exactly say he and Kez did much playing though. Kezzie was pretty concerned that Hunter was there to steal all her toys so she didn't relax very much of the time he was here. It's good for her to have to learn to share though. She needs to learn for when Adah starts stealing all her toys! Kezzie and Hunter did do pretty good sharing their snacks. He wanted what she had and she wanted what he had so they swapped! Hunter walked around with a headband in much of the day yesterday. He also enjoyed Kezzie's shopping cart and stroller. He was having a blast ramming things with the stroller. How else are you going to make a pink stroller boyish?! We hung out all day yesterday and went out to eat for supper. Then this morning she took off about the same time I was leaving for church. It was so nice to have her around. I don't get to see her near enough! Thanks for making the drive Kristin!
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