Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bad News...

My doctor called me this morning with some news about our ultrasound.  I was so engrossed in getting the ultrasound so that the baby could have that full evaluation, that I never thought or worried about anything actually being wrong.  It turns out that the baby has some extra fluid in the ventricles of the brain.  She called it Intercranial Ventriclomagley.  She told me not to worry and that she thought maybe the ultrasound tech was just distracted or mismeasured the fluid.  We all know from my post about our ultrasound that she was definitely distracted so I dismissed her call and tried not to worry.  After talking to Brian about it and not getting enough information for his liking, I called her back.  I had a lot more questions after Brian and I read up on some stuff online.  I asked her what the size of the fluid was and she told me 16mm.  I actually wrote down the name of it too since I didn't in our previous conversation,  along with the specialist she wanted me to see and what kind of specialist he was.  His name is Dr. Hwang and he comes from Des Moines twice a month to Mason City to see patients.  He is a Perinatologist.  According to everything I have read online there really isn't any way the tech 'mismeasured'.  16 mm is A LOT more then the normal range of 2-5mm.  There aren't enough distractions in the world to measure that much off if you ask me!  The doctor also mentioned to me that the didn't like that they couldn't see the lower lumbar spine (as I mentioned in my post about our ultrasound).  She threw the words spina bifida out there but quickly took it back as she said there are MANY possibilities that can come from this.  For now we wait to hear back about an apt. with the specialist.  They will call and tell us when to be in Mason City.  I am scared, but I know God has a plan.  We are going to love this little baby no matter what, I just worry about how she is feeling and what her life will be like.  God knows though and already has her life planned out, we just have to trust.  He loves her way more than I could ever understand.  A friend of mine sent me this verse that she just happened to read in her devotions this morning:  When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. . . This I know, that God is for me" (Psalm 56:3-4, 9b).  We have such a tremendous amount of support from our family and friends that I can't imagine we aren't going to be able to get through whatever God has planned for us!  Please pray for us as we start this unknown journey.

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