Saturday, September 17, 2011

A day at Cattle Congress

It was a good day to not sit around the house and be bored so we decided to head to Waterloo and go to Cattle Congress!  We even had the pleasure of having Austin's company!  I always love it when we can do things like this as a family!  It was a little chilly but the sun was shinning!  We walked through the different barns that hold award winning cows, horses and pigs.  There were calves and foals and a batch of baby chicks that just hatched the day before.  Kezzie enjoyed letting one of the calves suck on her finger.  And she thought the baby chicks were adorable but they wouldn't let her hold one since they were so brand new!  We also checked out the petting zoo that is there all summer and is free.  The girls LOVED this since they were able to get up and close with the animals.  There were bunnies, guinea pigs, kittens, ducks, donkeys, a cow and a few others!  We got to feed the goats and that was interesting!  They pretty much attacked us trying to get the food.  They were pretty funny!  We took the kids back to mom and dad's house for lunch and a nap and then headed back to Cattle Congress for some more fun!  We made it in time for The Great Bear Show.  It was a long wait for it to get started but it was pretty neat!   I just felt bad for the bears but I guess they are rescued bears!  The guy had them doing different tricks like balancing on a board, a ball and moving around on a scooter.  He had three that did the different tricks and while the other two were waiting for their turn he had them sit in their chair.  There's a picture of two of the bears sitting and one of them has his tongue sticking way out.  The bear guy said he does that when there are smells in the air like all the food cooking around the cattle grounds.  I thought that was really funny!  That last picture is of a guy that was walking around in a tree costume.  He was up on stilts so he was super tall and walked really funny!  We ended the day with some Sub Sandwiches and then went home for bed.  It was a great day spent as a family!

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