Friday, June 26, 2009

16 weeks and Doc Visit #2!

I had my 16 week check up today...everything is going very well. Baby's heart rate was at 160 and they found it without any problems this time. The doc asked if I have been feeling the baby move and I told her I have for a while now-probably about 3-4 weeks. She was surprised but I unmistakably have felt it! She asked if maybe I was further along then I think...I guess we will find out when we have an ultrasound in 4 weeks. We will also be able to find out what we are having. Brian wants to know and I don't. He said I didn't have to find out but that he was still going stupid would that be? So I guess he wins again! We're finding out! Here's the belly at 16 weeks which was actually this last Tuesday...

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm glad you are finding out! It has been torture for me to not know what Jamie is having!:)