Saturday, June 06, 2009

Waverly Pool

Jamie had the day off Friday so we decided we would try to skip Kezzie's nap and head to the pool for the afternoon. This is only a day after venturing to the New Hampton pool so a lot of water in one area was still fresh in her mind! She did really well! She was ready to swim from the get go! I was even able to get a life jacket on her and take her in the big pool area so we could swim with Austin. She did not mind her jacket at all and kept pushing me away to let her go! What a little fish! After only an hour and a half though she was more then ready to rest her head. She does not do well without sleep so we headed home to put her down for a nap! It was fun while it lasted at least!

I need to also make note for my own reference that as of 1/1/09 Kezzie is no longer taking a morning nap. Every time I try to give her one (because she is showing signs of really needing one) I lay her down and she falls right to sleep. I still wake her up an hour later thinking this will allow her to nap in the afternoon only to find that when I lay her down in the afternoon she will not fall asleep. This routine has happened twice and it is two times too many! So I am no longer laying her down in the morning. Her new routine is: lunch at 11/11:30 and nap at 12:30/1. She still only naps 1.5-2 hours but at least she is rested for the evening! Isn't it great when they start changing things up?!

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