Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kezzie's 19 months old!

I can't hardly believe that another month has passed since I was last telling about my little girl. She has started doing so many new things this month too! Austin was gone a little less then a week and he even said she learned a lot since he had been gone!
It is getting harder and harder to take these monthly pics. As you can tell in this picture she is sticking that little lip out and crying with her hands over her eyes hiding! I just have to catch her at the right time and this evidently wasn't the right time!
She continues to do wonderful on the potty. We pretty much take her everywhere in panties now and she is telling me when she has to go every time, even when she has to go frequently from drinking too many liquids at once! We haven't had an accident in a while (knock on wood) and still haven't had any 'out and about' accidents. Although I continue to haul around several outfits as if she is just going to all of the sudden have several accidents in one outing! I guess you can never be too prepared! At nap she is staying dry but I haven't braved going without the pull up yet. And at bed time she is still wetting her diaper. Sometimes very little, leading me to believe she will be holding it through the night in no time as well.
Just in the last couple of weeks Kezzie has started putting two words together. This isn't an all the time kind of thing but she has done it a couple times and it is so adorable. She says "mom please" so sweetly! A few of her favorite expressions to use are: Oh Boy, Oh My, Oh No, OK and she says them with such enthusiasm. Within the last week a favorite game of Kezzie's is plugging her ears to hear what different volumes she can make. I will catch her in the back seat of the car testing this out. She will do it for long periods of time too and will laugh about it when she sticks her fingers in and out! Kezzie has also started answering yes or no to questions and does it accurately. Usually if she says yes to something she really means it but sometimes when I ask her if she needs to go potty she will tell me no because she doesn't want to go! Pretty typical, right?! Kezzie has also started to try counting. She can't say the numbers well enough to understand them but she will lay items out and make noises as if she is numbering them off. Also she has been trying to learn how to jump. It is pretty comical to watch because her feet never leave the floor but she is proud no matter what! And lastly, sometime in the last month Kezzie has once again changed her schedule. I can't really put my finger on when she changed it, but I think it was very close to when Austin was done with school! I wonder if that has anything to do with it?!! Kezzie no longer takes a morning nap and instead will eat lunch between 11 and 12 and nap by 12:30/1. She will nap until about 2:30 or 3 depending on what time she woke up in the morning (which lately has been as late as 7:30/8:30)! She still goes to bed by 7:30!

Wow how time is flying by. Kezzie is so much fun to be around and brings life to my every day boringness! She makes me smile all the time with the way she is so carefree, dancing to music and tapping her feet even when there isn't a beat to follow! Here she is being the girl she was created to be...putting on her fake lipstick and combing her beautiful hair in pigtails! God has truly blessed my family with her!

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