Tuesday, August 16, 2011

20 weeks Prego!


I had a doctor apt. today! The baby's HR was between 150 and 160. The girls always enjoy hearing the baby in mommy's belly. I am measuring at 19 weeks but that is still considered normal. Due to the fact that we had an ultrasound at 12 weeks, there is a slight chance we may not be having another official one. I say 'official' because my doctor was trying to do me a favor by giving me an 'ultrasound' at my apt. but isn't exactly specialized in determining the sex so we don't have a 100% sure sex to report. I think we are going to go with 'we don't know' when people ask, because we technically don't know. If we get another ultrasound then we will announce it but for now we don't know!! Baby looked healthy from what I could tell, but I'm definitely not specialized either! I am still feeling pretty good with the occasional back/hip pain. I feel excessively tired so they did do some blood work to test my iron, but otherwise I can't complain! I will see the doc again in another 4 weeks!  I also wanted to make note that I felt the baby with my hand for the first time on August 10th (about 19 weeks)!  I can't wait until the kids and Brian get to experience this too!

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