Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Steele's Visit!

Unfortunately, I don't have any fabulous pictures to share, however I still wanted to keep the memory alive by documenting it! 
Today we had a great day with some really good friends.  Micah and Jamie Steele's family were in CF because Micah had some business meetings to attend.  It was a good opportunity to see them so I took her up on the idea to meet.  The girls and I came to mom and dad's and stayed the night and then met up with Jamie, Isaiah, Naomi and Levi at their hotel for an early swim.  The water water was a bit chilly but the kids didn't mind.  I wasn't a huge fan of getting all the way in the water so Adah mostly played on the stairs but Kezzie does a great job swimming without assistance as long as she is wearing her life jacket/floaties.  After it had been a while and we knew we were close to being done swimming we all piled in the hot tub to warm up.  Once we were all done swimming we got all cleaned up and dressed and went out to lunch together.  The kids were showing signs of really needing naps so we headed back to mom and dad's to hang out and give the kids a chance for some down time.  Jamie and the kids had to leave around 3:30 to meet Micah.
I cherish Jamie's friendship so much and the sweet advice she gives me.  She is a stay at home mom who homeschools her two oldest children and most importantly she is a wonderful Godly women.  She always has something to say that makes everything in my life make more sense!  I love you Jamie and can't wait to hang out again soon!

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