Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A BIG boo boo!

On Tuesday, August 9th Keziah had an accident with the fireplace.  I didn't take the top pictures of her lip until Wednesday night more then 24 hours later.  It was much worse when it first happened.  We iced her lip a few times an hour for the first 24 hours and a couple times a day for the next 48 (more for her comfort).  So I think the swelling was down a lot more after the first day.  She only wanted Tylenol for the first day also.  She was a tough little girl after we got through the first hour or two.  She cried really hard for a good half hour to an hour.  I sat with her in the recliner and just comforted her for a long time.  We didn't make her take a bath and even let her watch a Disney movie instead of going to bed!  I just really wanted to keep my eye on her for a while.
Here's the story:  Brian had just gotten done mowing the lawn so he was in the shower.  Supper was over so playtime had resumed.  I was in the kitchen doing clean up and Adah and Austin were off playing somewhere else.  There is a sleeping wedge that Brian keeps under his side of the bed for his acid reflux and the girls like to get it out and pretend it is a slide, etc.  They often prop it up against the fireplace or coffee table and then slide down it so it was laying over by the fireplace (not propped up).  Keziah ran into the living room and jumped full force on it and face planted into the fireplace.  I will never forget the sound I heard from the kitchen.  Brian thought that what he was hearing from the shower was her just getting into trouble and being sent to her room...he was in for a shock when he came out to the kitchen.  I was trying to stay calm and not throw up (remember, I'm pregnant) and get all the blood out of the way so I could see if we needed to go to the ER.  I gave her a dose of Tylenol and then once I could tell the bleeding wasn't going to continue, I investigated as to what all was damaged.  I had quite a few shards of stone from the fireplace that I picked off her tongue so I'm not exactly sure how she hit but her two front teeth definitely took a hit.  The left front tooth looks like it got pulled out and up and the right one looks like it got bumped up.  Her upper lip swelled and turned black right away.  It looked like there were teeth marks on it but the bottom teeth didn't seem to be involved at all.  Her upper gum area was really bad, I couldn't see up there for several days because it was too painful for her to have her lip pulled out far enough.  We didn't take her to the ER since we figured there wasn't anything they could do for her.  I called her pediatric dentist the next day and she said she didn't feel like there would be anything she would do for her no matter what was going on.  She just said to look for infection in the gumline and to watch for her tooth to die.  If either happened she would want to see her.  I was more concerned about Kezzie's nose because she got a reddening across the bridge of her nose but it never bruised and when I asked her if she could feel me scratching her nose, she said she couldn't.  I thought for sure something wasn't right but we just continued to give it time.  The reddening went away by the next day but she still claimed she couldn't feel me touching her nose.  It never bruised or looked swollen so we just kept giving it more time.  After icing it and just babying it all for a few days, it started looking really good.  I was shocked how fast she got back to normal.  Her two front teeth are still a little wiggly but they are almost back to their normal spot (the dentist said this is possible because if the gumline was swollen and went down then the teeth could go down too).  She still isn't eating with her teeth up front (pizza, corn on the cob) but maybe she will eventually.  I'm not sure they will ever be the same.
I know one thing for sure though...I'm not letting her out of my sight for a long time!!  I never thought I would have so many emotions and feel so much anxiety.  I am so thankful that I have God to lean on.  I don't think I have prayed so much through the night in my life!  And God gave me peace.  And He healed Keziah.  Now, if I can just keep anything like that from ever happening again, that would be GREAT!!

The bottom pictures are taken today, just a week later.

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