Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Keziah is 45 MONTHS!

Keziah is so much fun to be around.  I have to be careful to not treat her too much like my friend because I feel so lucky to get to hang out with her every day.  She makes me laugh with her silliness, she amazes me with her opinionated-ness, she makes me look at her in awe with how awesomely blessed I am.  I am so thankful every day that God blessed me with her. 
Some of the things she says/does that make me laugh:
Adah made a frustrated grunting noise/sigh and Keziah goes, "I feel the same way Adah!"
She always requires 2 hugs, a regular kiss, an eskimo kiss and a butterfly kiss before nap and bed.
While at the river she had a few funny comments:
Keziah really wanted to go on the dock by herself (with a life jacket on) and I told her she couldn't be down there alone because nobody would know it if she fell in even with a life jacket on.  In a very irritated and 'duh mom' kind of voice she replied, "I won't be by myself, mom, because Jesus is always with me."  I honestly didn't know what else to say after that, except that the answer was still no!  She continued on to say something about him being in her heart and going wherever she goes.  So sweet and totally caught me off guard.
One of the days at the river I took Keziah on the dock to catch some fish.  We baited her hook and she cast it in.  She caught a keeper within just a few minutes and was very excited.  Later in the day she was down on the dock fishing with my cousin and she caught a little fish (not a keeper) and brought it to me to take off the hook.  When I got it off I didn't even give it any thought before throwing it back in the river without an explanation.  She immediately responded saying, "Hey, I was going to eat that."  I told her something about how it wasn't big enough to eat and that she should try for a bigger one.  She said, "yeah, you are right.  Someday it will grow into a mom or a dad so he needs to grow some more."

I can't even remember all the things she says that crack me up.  Most of the time she isn't even trying to be silly it's just the way her brain thinks!

Unlike many kids her age, Kezzie isn't starting pre-school this year.  Personally, I think it's a waste of money and frankly I'm not ready for her to be that involved in the school system yet!  She's got many years of school ahead of her and she isn't old enough to go to Kindergarten next year so why not wait at least one more year!  I wanted to have some sort of structure though for her age and so I went on my quest to see what a stay-at-home mom should do with a pre-schooler.  I learned that ever since she was born she has basically been in pre-school.  There isn't anything we don't do on a daily basis that doesn't teach her something.  Keziah is incredibly smart and could actually do very well in kindergarten right now according to the things she needs to know to be ready!  Keziah can easily count to 39 without any help and beyond that as long as I say 40, 50, etc. to get her started.  Kezzie knows her ABCs and can easily recognize each letter and the sound they make.  Keziah can say her first, middle and last name and can spell her first without even thinking about it!
Since I learned there isn't much 'structural' pre-school type teaching I need to do, I decided to work on just daily skills.  So this month we went a bit further with her listening chart and made it a reward chart also.  She has five chores that need to be done throughout the day.  I took a picture of each chore and printed it, laminated it and put it in an envelope labeled 'to do'.  There is another envelope labeled 'done'.  At the end of the day if she has all five pictures in the 'done' envelope then she gets a sticker on her chart.  She still earns stickers for listening, helping when asked, being kind to Adah in tough situations, etc.  And when she earns 10 stickers then she gets to pick a new book (I bought several books from the bargain store on B&N).  She can also still lose stickers though too.  I have a marker that I put an X over one of her stickers and she has to place another sticker on top of it before continuing on toward her 10 stickers.  So far, this has immensely improved her actions.  I still need to work on remembering to reward her and making sure to pay attention when she deserves to be rewarded.  I also need to be more diligent to catch her when she is whining and give her an X right away if needed (she gets one warning before the X goes on)!
Another thing we are starting to work on is Bible verse memorization.  I found a list of good verses on the internet for pre-school age children and Kezzie is doing great.  She is such a whip at memorizing things, she is going to continue to do well at this!  The bible says, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11.   Another bible verse I like about verse memorization is, "But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 2:14-17.  I feel this really strongly on my heart for Keziah and am excited to see how God uses this in her life.  Another reason why I am so blessed to be home with my kids!
One thing I am hoping to get going sometime this next month is a calendar for Keziah.  One of the biggest challenges/annoyances I face with Kezzie is her always wanting to know what is coming next.  The next hour, the next morning, the next whatever.  I get frustrated because she asks it so frequently throughout the day.  I think if I had a daily/weekly calendar for her to look at she could see what is coming and maybe be more settled.  I think it's normal for her age but I also think it is a big part of her personality to need to always know what to expect...so this is a goal of mine and you can hold me to it in her next month post!
Until next time...

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